Pay Attention To The Electronic Waste

Electronic Waste Source

There are many different kinds of electronic waste. One kind contains simpler material, less damage to the environment, such as refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioning and other household appliances; Another kind contains more complex material, more damage to the environment of waste electronic products, such as computers, televisions, etc. And it needs to be recycled by waste PCB recycling line or e waste recycling machine.

Damage Of Electronic Waste

Electronic waste contains quite a lot of toxic substances, such as cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, brominated flame retardants and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic, etc., which should be recycled by circuit board recycling machine. Components of computers and TV sets contain arsenic, mercury and other harmful substances; Cell phone printed circuit boards also contain a lot of brominated flame retardants. So that the motherboard recycling machine is necessary for them.

Trusty Waste PCB Recycling Equipment Manufacturer

If the waste electronic products are discarded into the desert, heavy metals contained in them will penetrate into the contaminated soil and water quality. So that the environment will be polluted, and the health of human and animals will be damaged. Yuxi PCB recycling machinery manufacturer provides high quality PCB recycling machine to help solve this problem.

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